Gain Your Freedom Wings! 

March 7th-9th, 2025

Join us for a Revealed Ministries Retreat at 

Rosemont Springs Barn | Berryville, VA

Our creator, God, placed beautiful pictures of his grace in our world. One of the most famous is the transformation of the caterpillar into the butterfly.  In the same way, all who come to Christ can be completely transformed from a life that is defined by limitations of pain, doubt, shame, and confusion caused by sin to a life that rises up in the wings of the resurrection power of Jesus Christ to soar with freedom that you never thought possible. 

Topics covered 

How to get rid of negative and anxious thoughts

Replacing confusion and doubt with confidence and faith

Learning to Pray in victory and authority 

Walking in victory

Gaining Freedom 

Overcoming anxiety and depression

Prayer and anointing service for healing

Overcoming the enemy's attacks

Retreat Amenities

Overnight accommodations in Historic Rosemont Guest Houses

Refreshments throughout the weekend

Free spiritual counseling and ministry sessions

In-house breakfast and dinner


Briana Nei Author/Founder of Revealed Ministries

Briana is a blogger, the author of Revealed in Ephesians: The Mystery of Who I Am in Christ, and the founder of Revealed Ministries for Women. This ministry is a prayer and fasting focused, bible-centered ministry that teaches women the beauty of God revealing himself to his people through his Word and through prayer. Briana has a powerful and anointed speaking gift that combines comedic timing with deep and profound Bible teaching and relatable story telling. She has a Spirit-filled way of relating to all age groups – children, teens, mothers, working women, empty nesters and the elderly. She serves the Lord at Emmaus Church in Berryville alongside her amazing husband, worship leader and jazz musician Caleb Nei.

Danielle S. Washington Speaker

Danielle S. Washington is a wife, mother, Psalmist, Preacher, Purpose Pusher, Executive Pastor,

and Licensed Cosmetologist. She is also the founder of Heart 2 Heart Ministries. Elder

Washington has a heart to see Women immerse themselves into their God-given identity,

evolving into whom God created and said SHE is to BE!!

Heart to Heart Ministries Embraces, Encourages, and Empowers Women to Emerge into HER

“Purpose Place.” Heart 2 Heart is one heart to another, Loving People back to Life and Through

Life, One Heartbeat at a time. Danielle’s heart desire is that individuals know they were Created

to give the thing that agitates and seeks to give you a problem is not your problem, but you are

alive to give it a problem! You were created to give the “Problem a Problem” your created

Purpose. As a result of knowing their Purpose, they will become conduits for God to move

through them here on earth.

Her Ministry’s local outreach initiative(s) are the “Pretty Pack,” a bag of feminine hygiene

products that are passed out within the Martinsburg local community to help women feel their

best. Also, a Bible Drive, where bibles are collected and given out within the local area to those

who don’t have access to the word of God.

Marlisa Eyre Breakout Sessions

Marlisa Eyre and her beloved husband of 25 years are parents to 5, including 3 adult children who are married. She is "Mia" to three treasures. In addition to running a local Pilates studio, Marlisa's passion is leading Bible studies and journeying with others toward spiritual wellness in Jesus.

Pastor Mike Dean Pastoral Counseling - Small Voice Ministries

Pastor Mike Dean is a Biblical Counselor with 40 years experience leading people to freedom in their emotional and spiritual lives, using Biblical principles and the healing power of the Holy Spirit. He is a true man of God who cares deeply for those he helps. Pastor Mike is the senior pastor of Emmaus Church in Berryville and Living Water U.B. Church in Frederick Co, VA.

First Lady Kim Pope Breakout session

Kimberly M. Pope is a native of District Heights, Maryland. She has been married to the Reverend Delbert R. Pope for 28 years and believes that one of her most precious ministries is to her husband and their children, Dr. Deborah, Kyle and Micah. Kimberly has a strong prayer life and believes in the power of prayer. She spends much time in bible study and in prayer.

Kimberly serves with her husband at the St. Luke Baptist Church, Berryville, Va., as a Sunday Small Group leader, and prayer warrior. Kimberly believes that the key to a fruitful life is found in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding; in all thy way acknowledge God and HE shall direct thy path.”

Marci Shinabery Worship Leader

Marci Shinabery has a heart for Jesus and telling people how he can set them free! She has been on our Revealed Ministries worship team since The Lion and The Lamb Conference – before it was called Revealed Ministries! She currently is a worship leader and team member at Emmaus Church. Marci spent 7 years as a guitarist and vocalist for The Victory House is Purcellville and 6 years as a worship leader in other venues. She and her husband Chris lead homes to support women who are walking out of addiction.


More speakers will be announced soon

Joyce Owens Event Coordinator

Joyce Owens is the Revealed Ministries event coordinator. In her free time, she plans weddings as a hobby, is a wife to Brian and mom to Brianna and Laira. Joyce will be taking care of all of your registration, housing, and food needs at the retreat this year! Thank you, Joyce!

Schedule - subject to change

Fri. March 7Check-in @ Historic Rosemont Springs Barn

5:00 pm Check-in begins

6:00 pmOpening Worship and Sessions

6:00 Welcome & Worship
6:30 Evening Sessions TBA

Sat. March 8, 7:40 amCheck In

7:40 Check in-For those who have meal tickets or all inclusive overnight passes.
8:00 am Breakfast

9:00 amMorning Session

9:00 am Morning Worship
-Breakout sessions

12:15 pmLunch / Free Time

12:15 pm-3:00 pm Lunch followed by Free Time
Walk the property, take a nap, run on the Chet-Hobart Park loop or take in some local boutiques and antique shops. Private counseling sessions are also provided during this time.

2:45 pmCheck In for Sessions

3:00 pm- Breakout Sessions - TBA "Choose your own!"

3:45 pmBreak

4:00 p.m.Anointing Service

Join us for worship, prayer and an opportunity to be anointed for healing, consecration of your life and to see God's power released.

6:00 pmDinner

For meal ticket holders and all-inclusive ticket holders.

7:00 pmEvening Sessions

7:00 pm - Worship
7:10 pm - Briana Nei
8:00 pm- Testimony time

Sun. March 9, 8:00 amBreakfast for overnight guests

Enjoy a light breakfast with prayer and closing session before checking out of your room.
CHECKOUT 10:30 am

See information on Historic Rosemont Click here to visit site

The gospel is FREE! At Revealed Ministries, we work to make our ministry events affordable for everyone. We are  blessed to be able to  offer the below packages at a fraction of the cost of most conferences.  However, we realize some people are still simply not able to pay full price for the weekend, due to personal hardships. In this case, we provide scholarship opportunities for women in need. Should you  need assistance, please email [email protected].  If you would like to be a generous donor to help someone in need, please add that ticket to your cart below when purchasing your own ticket. 

Refund policy - Refunds may be received until March 1, 2025. Because of our catering contracts, we will not be able to give refunds after that date. 


Friday Event Pass (Sold Out)

If you cannot attend all weekend sessions then JOIN US for our Friday KICKOFF! Includes Friday evening sessions, snacks and complimentary beverages.

(+ $0.00 fee)
Sold Out

Saturday Event Pass - NO Meals

If you cannot stay for all the sessions, but would like to attend Saturday, this ticket is for you. Includes Saturday sessions, light snacks and complimentary beverages. This ticket does NOT include any meals.

(+ $0.00 fee)

Give Lavishly - Sponsor a Woman in Need

Pay for an overnight stay for a woman who couldn't attend the full weekend, otherwise.

(+ $0.00 fee)

Weekend Package - No Overnight (Sold Out)

This package includes Friday evening & Saturday Sessions, Friday welcome snacks, Saturday breakfast and dinner only. *Saturday lunch is on your own*. A link to view local restaurants will be provided. Complimentary beverages are provided throughout the weekend.

(+ $0.00 fee)
Sold Out

Saturday Dinner- Add On (Sold Out)

Purchase this ticket if you would like to join us Saturday evening for a catered dinner. This ticket can be paired with the Saturday event pass.

(+ $0.00 fee)
Sold Out

Overnight Package All Inclusive (Sold Out)

All-Inclusive. Includes all weekend sessions, Friday & Saturday night "shared" room/bed accommodations in one of the 3 Historic Guest Houses on the Rosemont property. Overnight guests receive a "pillow" gift". This package also includes Friday evening light snacks, Saturday breakfast and dinner, complimentary beverages and a light Sunday breakfast. *Saturday lunch is on your own*.

(+ $0.00 fee)
Sold Out

Early Bird Peace and Quiet All-Inclusive (Sold Out)

Enjoy a room all by yourself. Limited access. All-Inclusive. Includes all sessions, Friday & Saturday night room accommodations in one of the 3 Historic Guest Houses on the Rosemont property. Overnight guests receive a "pillow" gift." This package also includes Friday evening light snacks, Saturday breakfast and dinner, complimentary beverages and a light Sunday breakfast. *Saturday lunch is on your own*.

(+ $0.00 fee)
Sold Out

Early Bird Mother-Daughter Overnight All-inclusive (Sold Out)

Enjoy a get-a-way weekend with your daughter at a discounted rate. All-Inclusive. Includes all weekend sessions, Friday & Saturday night "shared" room/bed accommodations in one of the 3 Historic Guest Houses on the Rosemont property. Overnight guests receive a "pillow" gift." This package also includes Friday evening light snacks, Saturday breakfast and dinner, complimentary beverages and a light Sunday breakfast. *Saturday lunch is on your own*.

(+ $0.00 fee)
Sold Out

Early Bird Weekend Package - No Overnight (Sold Out)

This package includes Friday evening & Saturday Sessions, Friday welcome snacks, Saturday breakfast and dinner only. *Saturday lunch is on your own*. A link to view local restaurants will be provided. Complimentary beverages are provided throughout the weekend.

(+ $0.00 fee)
Sold Out

Early Bird Overnight Package All Inclusive (Sold Out)

All-Inclusive. Includes all weekend sessions, Friday & Saturday night "shared" room/bed accommodations in one of the 3 Historic Guest Houses on the Rosemont property. Overnight guests receive a "pillow" gift". This package also includes Friday evening light snacks, Saturday breakfast and dinner, complimentary beverages and a light Sunday breakfast. *Saturday lunch is on your own*.

(+ $0.00 fee)
Sold Out
Total: $0.00


Purchase ProtectionRECOMMENDED

Add Purchase Protection for a small fee and get a 100% refund of your registration purchase should you be prevented from attending due to a qualifying unforeseen circumstance. (Full Terms)

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Severe Illness and InjurySevere Illness and Injury
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Transportation FailureTransportation Failure
Crime and Home EmergencyCrime and Home Emergency
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Acts of NatureActs of Nature
Legal ObligationsLegal Obligations

Purchase Protection covers many common unforeseen circumstances, but exclusions apply. View full List of qualifying circumstances and exclusions.

* Terms, conditions and exclusions apply. Not available for or applicable to events, attendees, or travel outside of the USA. Purchase Protection is a service offered by Purchase Protection LLC. Purchase Protection is not an insurance policy. It is a service that will refund you 100% of your event fees, taxes and dues should you be prevented by unforeseen circumstances from attending the event. Purchase Protection does not apply to, and will not reimburse, merchandise purchases and charitable donations. Purchase Protection fees will be charged as a separate transaction. Any changes made to your purchase will not change the amount covered in this agreement.

Read Full Terms and Conditions

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  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
TicketSpice Event Ticketing Software